Today we're sitting down to chat with Karen from South Carolina, who owns Cloth Diaper Club.
Where did you get the name for your shop?
When I first started using cloth diapers I was chatting with a friend of mine about how fun it is to meet someone who uses cloth diapers. I said, "It almost like being in a club!" Later on when I decided to try selling diaper products on Etsy, I remembered our conversation and that's how I picked my shop name. The funny thing is, my mom has been making things for our shop for quite a while now, and she still calls it all kinds of crazy things...Diaper Cloth Club, among a few. She cracks me up!
Please share what is unique about your products.
What are your most popular products, and why are they so appealing?
As I said, the sock monkeys have been most popular as of late, but it really depends on the time of year. Before and after Christmas everyone was buying repurposed wool items. Sometimes it's hand-knit items. At one time it was diapers. It really just varies.
How did you get the idea for your products/business?
Out of neccessity, I started sewing my own cloth diapers and realized how much fun it was. I had been wanting to find a way to make extra money and wondered if I could make a go at it. I started out thinking mainly diapers, but my favorite things to make now are the hand-knit ones.
What have you found most challenging about running your own business?
Why do you like selling on Etsy?
I like selling on Etsy because it is super easy and I am inspired by all the other artists around me!
How long have you been sewing, knitting, crocheting? I have been sewing, knitting, and crocheting since I was a little girl. My mom has always been a great seamstress, but she didn't really teach me to sew, just let me have at it with all of her supplies. I would make all kinds of crazy things, like sleeping bags for my cabbage patch dolls! Later on, after high school, I got more serious about sewing and learned how to read a pattern (I still hate it) and what a selvege was. My grandmother taught me to knit and crochet. I have always knitted more than crocheted; I still have a table runner sized unfinished tablecloth I was crocheting in thread from years ago. I can barely crochet enough now to do a decorative edging now and then.
What is your favorite thing to make at the moment?
I love to knit wool shorties and I'm loving making these super easy and economical Daddy Flat diapers.
Why is cloth diapering important to you?
What is the kind of diaper you like the best at home?
Our diaper stash is a complete hodge podge of test diapers. 25 of them are fitted recycled t-shirt diapers which we used exclusively until I began testing patterns to sell. Some diapers are one-size fitteds, and some are Daddy Flats. I am working on creating a whole stash of Daddy Flats for at home because I love them! I use wool covers over all of them. I also have a stash of 15 pocket diapers, but we mainly use those for out-and-about and trips.
What is your favorite cloth diapering memory?
I can't think of any specific memory. I remember how much I loved it when I first started using my homemade diapers on my son. I still get a thrill from seeing something new I've made on him. Cloth diapered baby bottoms are so cute!
Who or what is your inspiration?
Do you have anything new going on now, or upcoming, such as new products or promotions?
As for new, I will certainly start stocking wool shorties and soakers as the weather is heating up.
Also to celebrate this interview, I will offer free shipping with this code for the next week: MYINTERVIEW
Is there anything else you'd like to share?
Where can we find your products?
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