Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May's Final Interview and Giveaway results!!!!!!

Before I announce our winner, here is our final interview with Christine Stevens with Fancy Cloth Baby


Where did you get the name for your shop?
Me and My husbands friend Joe Jack Talcum wrote a song called Fancy Walls! I was inspired and thought maybe I could do murals and call it Fancy Walls but I ended pregnant with our third baby and decided sewing diapers was easier for my high risk pregnancy and I named it Fancy Cloth ;) 
Is it big business or a hobby?
This was a personal thing that turned into a business that helps support my family!
Why do you like selling on Etsy?
I love Etsy, it is a great market place and get great business there!
How long have you been sewing, knitting, crocheting, etc.?
I have been creating since I was a kid!  I come from a long line of artists, chefs, doll makers, and musicians! I got my own sewing machine when I was 14!

What is your favorite thing to make at the moment?
Sugar scrubs! I am coming out with a new all natural body line to compliment my natural baby line! Look out for items for mama and baby! Fitted diapers are my favorite diaper to make and I love working with my HEMP and hand dying it as well!!

What are you passionate about?
Health! I eat healthy and try to live healthy with my family! I love being inspired by homestead life and I want to share that with people! I would love to own a farm one day! 

What is your favorite thing in your shop at the moment? Why? I love my NB bundles and TRIOCOLOR fitteds! because they are great products for any cloth diapering parent and I am proud of them!

Who/What is your inspiration?
MY family! my hubby and kiddos are my biggest supporters! I love them!
Why is cloth diapering important to you?
I believe it is a healthy choice!
What is your favorite or least favorite cloth diapering memory?
Finding a forgotten wetbag in the trunk of the car!! I wanted to just throw it out because I was petrified at what could be in there! HA!
A medium wet bag made with Japanese designer fabric, a $22.00 retail value, from Lil Stuff.
 Sharon Rose Henn
A $25 dollar gift certificate towards any purchase at Fancy Cloth Baby.
 Joanne Gregory
 A $20.00 store credit to Fruit of the Womb Dipes
Michelle Nagasawa Atkins

You will be contacted by the owner of the winning store, please respond within 48 hours to claim your prize!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday's Featured Treasury

April showers, May brings flowers!
 RebelCloth picked these pretty flowers to share in this week's treasury.

 Wet Bag Waterproof for cloth diapers Choose your Fabric  M 13 x15 Apple Blossom One Size Pocket Diaper Large Blossom Butterflies Fleece soaker Flower Power pocket palz sz 2 On Sale Medium Daytime Daddy Flats - Set of Two,  Rose Garden Mini Pail Liner Pink Flowers Sweet Bobbins Cloth Wipes - Girls Mixed Print Starter Set - 12 wipes - flannel and OBV - SOFT - 6x8 size Waist Snap Covers Dozen - 12 Double Layered Reusable Cloth Wipes / Family Cloth / UnPaper Napkins - Boy, Girl or Gender Neutral Prints

Saturday, May 25, 2013

DIY Day! Organize your sewing room on a budget!

By Clarissa C. of GreenBeansDiapers

I know many of our blog viewers are crafty and sew themselves so here are some cheap and simple ideas to make your sewing room look like something on pintrest!


*Disclaimer, my sewing room does not look like something from pintrest so I guess those that can't do, teach! As you can tell by the chaos!

Storehouse 94375 40 Bin Organizer with Full Length Drawer

Do you have lots of button, brads, snaps or other small items? You could use small tubs to put them all in and put them on a shelf or you can try something like a bolt organizer from Harbor Freight. I used spray paint for plastic to make mine blend in with the décor a bit more and then hung it on the wall to free up more work space.

     If you like to sew you probably have lots of fabric. There are many options for storing fabric, folding and putting on a shelf or under your cutting table if you have one, still on the bolt both like I have here. Or you can store it in clear totes under a work table, in the closet or even rolling under the bed totes for your overflow to keep it out of sight! Not that I'm admitting to that..... You could also fold your fabric on to comic boards to display them in a visually appealing way on your shelves. Comic boards can be purchased on or elsewhere online. Or you can try stopping at your local comic book store to see if they have extras. If you are really thrifty you can cut your own comic boards from cardboard boxes or empty fabric bolts. Here's a photo from, looks much better than my fabric spilling out of the shelves.

   I also have lots of ribbon and Velcro so finding a way to keep it out of children and cats was a much needed solution for me. Not clearly visible in the first photo is a homemade shelf my husband made with dowels on the bottom for ribbon spools. Easy to make and used some scrap wood we already had, saving me more $$! Use a drill bit to put holes large enough for your dowels through two pieces of wood at the same height and mount on the wall parallel to each other. If you want something even prettier, use curtain rod hooks mounted a photo frame as pictured below. Get a wide enough frame and you can even use it to store rolls of fabric on. Another cute idea is to use a video shelf for holding DVD's or tapes for your ribbon.
Wrapping paper and ribbon rack - awesome idea!!
Need shelving for all your tools, fabric board and jars of buttons or boxes of stamps and ink? I like cubbies from ClosetMaid. The cubbies themselves are easy to assemble and you can stack them in any configuration you want. I also use the fabric storage bins for hiding clutter like small toys and fabric scraps. These are relatively inexpensive but nonetheless, they are the most expensive and only "new" item in my room!

Hope you've found some helpful tips to organize your space or at least make your work area a little more functional, especially for those of you sewing at the dining table!

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